# Corteza configuration # Note: default docker image without any extra command will # force :80 via flag and override anything you set here HTTP_ADDR=:80 # SMTP configuration # For dev environment, run mailhog (`make mailhog.up`), set SMTP_HOST to `localhost:1025` # and visit localhost:8025. SMTP_HOST=localhost:1025 SMTP_USER= SMTP_PASS= SMTP_FROM="Corteza" <info@local.cortezaproject.org> # JWT Secret, shared among all services. # If not set, random value will be set every time you reset the service #AUTH_JWT_SECRET= # JWT expiration (duration, default: '720h', 30 days) #AUTH_JWT_EXPIRY= # Debug level you want to use (anything equal or lower than that will be logged) # Values: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal LOG_LEVEL=info # Timeout for internal HTTP client HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=30s # Allow usage of insecure hosts (self-signed, expired certificates) HTTP_CLIENT_TSL_INSECURE=false # Log HTTP requests HTTP_LOG_REQUESTS=true # Monitoring log interval MONITOR_INTERVAL=5min # Database to use DB_DSN=corteza:corteza@tcp(localhost:3306)/corteza?collation=utf8mb4_general_ci # Log database queries? #DB_LOGGER=false # Logging level we want to use (values: debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal) #LOG_LEVEL=info # Enable debug logger (more verbose, #LOG_DEBUG=false ######################################################################################################################## # Storage configuration # Local, plain storage path: # General all-in-one #STORAGE_PATH=var/store (defaults to "/var/store") # or separate path by service (Docker default values): #COMPOSE_STORAGE_PATH=/data/compose #SYSTEM_STORAGE_PATH=/data/system # Min.io: # Storage to minio backend is activated when MINIO_ENDPOINT is set # # If you are in development environemnt and using `make minio.up` for testing, # your min.io instance is most likely listening on localhost # (inspect `Makefile` for details) #MINIO_ENDPOINT=localhost:9000 # Access & secret key # These keys are used by Min.io Docker container as well #MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE #MINIO_SECRET_KEY=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY # Per-service buckets (default values) #COMPOSE_MINIO_BUCKET=compose #SYSTEM_MINIO_BUCKET=system # Strict mode: # When true, it does not create un-existing buckets #MINIO_STRICT=false ####################################################################################################################### # # Federation - warning, this is still an experimental feature # FEDERATION_ENABLED=false FEDERATION_HOST=localhost:80 FEDERATION_LABEL=Federation host 1 # Sync settings - paging and sync delay FEDERATION_SYNC_STRUCTURE_MONITOR_INTERVAL=2m FEDERATION_SYNC_DATA_MONITOR_INTERVAL=60s FEDERATION_SYNC_DATA_PAGE_SIZE=100 # This needs to be one per page for architectural reasons for now FEDERATION_SYNC_STRUCTURE_PAGE_SIZE=1